Paris Day 1

Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs –

Our flight was right on time. The airport was empty and the TSA people must have been bored. Lynn and I were both “randomly” selected for baggage searches. The flight was great except during dinner it felt like a roller-coaster. Nathan and I put up our arms at one point; it was bit scary. Although later in the flight, Lynn and Nathan didn’t seem to have any trouble sleeping, I really struggled.

The hotel is beautiful. Upon arrival at the hotel we took a short nap and heading out for some site-seeing. After a short stroll to the Metro station, we took a train to the Eiffel Tower. The weather was perfect (sunny and 40F) considering the time of year. The very top was closed for renovation and they are adding a new coat of paint (every seven years). We passed up on the lifts and chose to hike up the stairs to levels one and two. The views are spectacular. Here are some pictures.

Click “show images list” to zoom in on pictures.

On our way home, we stopped for a few groceries to take to the room. The language barrier is tough for Papa but Nathan is getting into a groove very quickly. It’s good we have him here.

We had a light dinner in the hotel and now it’s time to crash. In the morning, we visit the Louvre and take a historic Paris walk.

Jusqu’à Demain (until tomorrow),
Robert LeRoi

4 Replies to “Paris Day 1

  1. Been thinking about you all all day. Nathan looks french in the picture of him. DId he get a beret? I can’t imagine walking up those stairs. I am scared to death of heights, not even taking into consideration the out of breath factor. Tell my daughter, what a life for a poor preachers daughter? Love you and stay safe. Mom L.

  2. What great pics! The view from La Tour Eiffle is breath taking. Very impressive that you all climbed the stairs. Nate does look very French with the beret. I’m happy to hear that he’s helping with the communication.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!
    A bientot (can’t get my accents to work :))
    Mme. Toerpe

  3. Hi everyone
    So glad you are having a great time. I knew you would love Paris. Enjoy the week.
    Nigel was hard on us today…..I feel the pain!!!!
    Enjoy Paris

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