House of Horror

Downsizing is the Decision

Since the boys are grown and out of the house, Lynn and I talked at length about what we wanted to do.  Should we move? Will we travel? Can Lynn quit her job?

After hours of discussion, we decided it was best to stay in Cincinnati/Montgomery area but move to smaller house.  Lynn spent months trying to find something smaller, less expensive, and in the area.  In March, we finally found a custom developer building “life style homes” in Loveland.  This seemed like an ideal solution.  We were told the house would be ready in August. GREAT!

We sold our house by owner in two days.  The buyers wanted to move in early August.  This fit our schedule fine.  

Delays begin

The builder then informed us the house wouldn’t be done until late September.  It was too late, we were committed to closing in August.  Ok, we have plan B, we close in August, put our stuff in storage, and go to Florida for a month until the house is done.  

That didn’t work either, the house now won’t be done until October.  Plan C, we’ll go to Florida for a month, then Lynn can travel with Bob to Europe for a few weeks and we can move in when we get back.

While we were in Europe, the builder announced the house won’t be ready until late January or early February 2019.  Plan D is now active, we need an apartment until the new house is ready.  We’ll take out the minimal items from storage until the new year.

We’re Out

As the house was being built we were really concerned with the quality and duration of the build.  There are too many reasons to list here.  It became obvious, this house was not meant to be.  We exited the deal and got our money back.  Now we’re on plan E; we’ll stay in the apartment longer and find another house.  Heavy sigh!

In January, Lynn finally found an option in Blue Ash.  Plan F is ready.  The downside, it won’t be ready until August.  This one feels different.  

The Fire

In February, Lynn traveled with Bob to San Francisco for the IBM Think technology conference.  While there, our storage facility called to tell us there was fire and our belongings were soaked by water.  Great, now our stuff in ruined.  It was awful. Losing the new couch is one thing.  Having pictures be destroyed is different.  

The insurance claims process was incredibly hard.  Pictures, valuation, replacement. repayment.  It took months.  

The Future is Daventry

The new home is coming along quickly.  We’re very excited.  We know other couples who are building in the same neighborhood.  The ETA is mid-August.  And, everything will be new.  New neighborhood, new house, new furniture.

Let’s hope nothing else goes wrong.